Wednesday, April 28, 2004


today i had to collect the email id's of all those who work for AWS@Tidel@TCS.

good. so i decided that i would ask around.

I mean a company would maintain a list of all it's employees right!

So first shot, I looked around in Lotus Notes for all AWS employees mailing list.

I found it but unfortunately it was a collection of all id's for people who had registered for the mailing list.

So besides not having everybody's mail id, we had mail id's of quite a few who weren't AWS.

Plus, lots of these guys have now gone onsite or moved to other projects so they are not strictly associated with AWS at all.


Now the mail id's here were in varying formats. From the LDAP ones, to Lotus note ones to the dreaded ones to ones.

Btw, why is it that LDAP isn't structured properly.

I mean we could have subprojects within TCS and locate somebody using subprojects, or location.

Unfortunately none of this is feasible.

Since I needed a complete list of it, I decided to ask around in the billing section all the employee ids who are associated with AWS.

They gave me a list and since there was no way to get an email id from the employee number I decided to mail all of them and send me their email ids.

Second surprise.

Lots of our staff are not associated with AWS.

That is they are billed under different projects but work for AWS.


Plus the billing section carries only the information of all those who are billed under AWS.

So where exactly is the piece of information I want.

A comprehensive list of who all works for TCS.

If Raghu wants it what does he do?

Does he carry it round in his head?