Sunday, April 17, 2005

a long long time later

It's been a long long time since I blogged. I know. To while the time away and as a kind of ceremony I have been involved in a number of creative ventures, which, to quote the inimitable Douglas Adams, "are extremely brilliant, but will never see the light of day". I see what he means. Then again, maybe they will see the light of day.

Life has been intresting otherwise. I am teaching myself Lisp and boy!, I do have a lot to learn.

Btw, why are most Linux distributions so screwed up? I have spent an exhausting Sunday just trying to get rhythmbox to install in Linux and failing quite miserably, for a variety of reasons.

Sigh! Maybe Linux distributions will catch up; and a long long time later I may even install one in my system.


Anybody has a cheap sound card that they are willing to dispose, just call me up. I need to go and dot chipmakers VIA on the nose.


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