The farce that is Crescent
Wow!Wow!Wow!Had my third review today. And believe me it's been a learning experience. What A LEARNING EXPERIENCE. What did I learn today:
1) Essentially the front and rear end of any proffesor of Instrumentation & Control Engineering can be interchanged since the output from both are the same.
2) With the gracious exclusion of a rare few it is true that the above fact can be extended to almost any proffesor in Crescent Engineering
Ford Prefect was right. Proffesors in Crescent speak because they are afraid that if their mouths remain shut their brains may start working. What a crew! I mean what a goddamn fucking crew.
But in all this it is my pleasure to present to you one amongst a million. A certain species of brainless cretin so brainless and so dense that he can gratuitously and spontaneously turn into a blackhole. After he passes this event horizon space time and even logic go for a toss. The only thing that can escape is crap: because it's difficult finding anything else in Crescent so you don't know if this crap emenated from this chap, and his ideas because they so lack in substance.
Ladies and Gentlemen! I present to you. The prince of insufficient light and completely incompetent sluggard Senior Lecturer Ehehehehe.... Nagarajan!
We were presenting our project and the thing we are doing is building the instrumentation for in situ dynamic temperature measurement in shoes. So we put the RTD's in the shoe. So big question from Nagarajan. If I put the RTD in my mouth is it a project?
Yes it is buddy! However silly it may seem science is about collecting data. I'm sure everybody thought it was silly of Galleilio to throw two balls from the top of a tower. So is throwing it off the top of a building a project. Clue to you idiot. If a thing doesn't exist builiding it is a project. Sure it's easy enough doing Neural Network controlled temperature controller. But that's done to death idiot. Science is not all the time about the gizmos, sometimes it's about small things like apples. Anyway there's no use arguing with this guy. To quote Wodehouse:
To attempt to drive information into your head Mr. Nagarajan is no easy task for Providence mysterious in it's workings has given you instead of the more customary human brain a skull full of concrete.
Seriously this guy has a serious problem. He presents a threat to us all because he seriously has the ability to destroy our intellectual ability. Any attempt to kill him or give him a vasectomy shall meet with my hearty approval.
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